Condos for Sale in Northville MI
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Northville Condo Living
Condo living is a great and ever changing life style! The demographic of the person looking for Northville condos for sale has changed quite a bit over the last 30 years and now more readily we see young professionals short on time, and families that are not big fans of exterior upkeep moving toward condo's. But are condo's really the best lifestyle for everyone? Lets explore the pros and cons.
Pros to Condos for sale in Northville MI
1) If you are renting an apartment, you should rather be building equity with a condo. See our Buy vs. Rent Blog Post Here for deeper details
Interest rates make buying more affordable then renting. The average apartment rents in Northville are now averaging $1460 per month. With Taxes and Association dues that's equivalent to a 245k condo purchase. At the same time, you'll be paying yourself back $250 per month through principal payments, and most owners who pay a mortgage at that level average $4250 back on their taxes per year. That's a combined total of $600 in incentives, bringing the real cost of condo ownership to $860 per month. If you're looking for condos for sale in Northville MI, it really can't get any cheaper than that.
2) No out door work
Perhaps the most compelling reason for looking for condos for sale in Northville MI vs. homes for sale is the maintenance free living. Unlike a traditional home, if you prefer not to mow the lawn, week the garden or make any exterior repairs condo's may be a great home alternative. When the snow falls, no shoveling. All of these things can be taken care of with a home as well, but because of the size of condo complexes, they can usually negotiate a bulk discount where home owners cannot. That said when shopping for Northville condos for sale be sure to check the association bylaws as each complex is different in what they maintain vs the condo owner. Country Club Village and Blue Heron for example do not maintain the decks of the individual condos. The owners are regulated on what colors can be used in staining or painting, however it is the owners responsibility to stain in these two complexes.
3) Complex Amenities
Many condos for sale in Northville MI come with a ton of amenities including gyms, sauna's, pools, tennis courts and more. However, everything comes at a cost. When shopping for condos for sale in Northville MI a great self discovery question is am I going to use all the amenities many of the complexes offer, or should I look more toward a complex with fewer amenities (no pool/gym etc) but have lower monthly dues? Many condos for sale in Northville MI have association dues in the middle $200 range per month but lack the pool, clubhouse and more. Several are fully featured, but association dues here average $325 per month and can climb several hundred dollars higher than that.
4) Freedom to renovate
Homeowners are used to the ability to change kitchens and bathrooms as they'd like, however for buyers looking for Northville condos for sale coming from apartments, the freedom to renovate is new and exciting. If you prefer granite, change the counters. If you want to retile the bathroom, get your hammer and start removing the old tile. Renters of apartments don't have the ability to change these things, and nor would they want to. Why improve someone else's investment. With a condo, like a home, you're improving yours. Word of caution, be careful of over improvement. When putting money into a condo there are improvements that will provide a return on investment, and some things you may just want to do for yourself. If you're looking for a return on the improvements made contact a Realtor on The Perna Team and we'd be more than happy to help sort the value adding improvements from those that won't.
5) Social Advantages
Many of the Northville condo's for sale are in complexes that have social functions beyond the board meeting. Country Club Village does a quarterly resident breakfast at the Senate. Northville Hills has been known to have Casino nights, Blue Heron owners have at times split the cost of boats and more.
Cons to Northville Condo's for sale
1) Privacy
If you're coming from a house, Northville condos for sale may feel a little bit tight & take a little getting used to. Before if you had a large yard to walk or the privacy of the woods that may no longer be the case. Many of the condos for sale in Northville MI were built to maximize privacy, however even the best built duplex style condos are still attached to each other.
2) Rules
Though made to preserve the integrity of the aesthetics, it also means one can't paint the exterior Neon Green. The upside is how the condo complex looks now is likely to be how it will always look. No broken down cars on the lawn, crazy colors or deferred maintenance. Again the downside is some complexes go as far as to restrict pet size and count, leasing of units and more. Be sure to read and read again the bylaws of any condo complex before buying.
3) Parking
There are two potential issues with parking. Condos for sale in Northville MI with smaller units and no garages may have extremely limited parking with only one or two assigned spaces and only 10-15 visitor spaces per 24 units. Larger units with garages often have regulations against overnight parking in the street. This may pose a problem for families with more than two vehicles. If there's a live at home teen or several teens they may have to do the re-park shuffle every morning to maneuver cars in and out.
All in all condo living to the author of this article (Michael Perna) has always been a blessing. The time saved by not doing exterior maintenance I get to spend with my family is cherished and invaluable. However the same campouts in the back yard I used to do growing up isn't an option in a condo and something for young families to bear in mind.
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